more more

more says:
You need more
You deserve more
You could do with more
You want more for less
more for yourself than for others
You’re better off with more.
more projected on the moon.
Try n keep up with more.

The idea of more is the greatest invention.
more is the microscope.
more is the telescope.

more: on all channels,
Determined to blast and
Clash with its surroundings.
Naturally multiplying
Naturally renewing,
Spreading through repetition
Spreading through reach.
Reproducing not just the same, but
more of the same. Similar. Alike.
more sameness.
When we hesitate or tend to lose interest,
more expands and evolves with more force.
Faster and brighter.
more conversely goes deeper,
more hidden, more subtle.
more for me, more as me.
more me.

more says:
You need more
You deserve more
You could do with more
You want more for less
more for yourself than for others
You’re better off with more.
more projected on the moon.
Try n keep up with more.

The endless appeal of more.
The ingenious, inexhaustible desire
to present the perfect more.
We collectively surrender:
An image so sharp, so clear and captivating.
Winning us over.
Charmingly more,
Overwhelmingly more,
Shockingly more.
We see so much more
we get so much more
more transforms us
We justify more.
more justifies us.

more keeps saying:
Lighter and yet more.
Cheaper and yet more.
The truth lies in the unimaginable.

Become more
Repeat after more:
Look like more
Walk like more
Hold your phone more
Hold your head more
Tear your jeans more
more is beautiful, more is disturbing, more is beautiful

What was once moderate is now: much more.

All the while more educated :
more soap contemplated by Barthes, more ruled for Debord,
And never was more more sexy than in Godard.
Our words dematerialized and reappeared in the orbit of more.
Our reasoning reflected in the liberating mirror of more.

Possessed by more, we need:
more cheering
more praise
more clapping
more excess
more puff.

song lyrics by Linda van Deursen
(with thanks to Will Holder), title by Maziyar Pahlevan


more more

more autonomy

the eighteen students of the yale graphic design mfa 2016 graduating class have spent the last two years dedicated to the development of a personal methodology for the production of their work. this process is self-driven and self-contained, developed within the art school institution leading to each having an autonomous practice.

more marketability

upon graduating, each designer will have to find their place within the market of design. that is, each will have to find ways of adapting the practice they have developed to fit commercially within the marketplace.

more meaning

faced with this upcoming reality, the class of 2016 begun to investigate the meaning of putting together their work, examining what is tantamount to an art exhibition, to mark their graduation.

more freedom

they decided that each graphic designer would adapt their visual method to a single format, a 10.5 by 22.8 foot printed billboard.

more confusion

The exhibition exists simultaneously outside—elevated above highways entering New Haven—and inside Yale’s Green gallery at 1156 Chapel Street. continuing a tradition of artists co-opting ad space, these billboards are not intended to sell anything.

more more

this process of adaptation and re-adaptation serves as a model for the future of each graduate's practice. it begins a juggling of autonomy and commercialization that will have to be worked into a beneficial part of each designer’s practice, leading them to the continuation of their personal investigations, methodologies, and the production of more work.